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Fortresses, towers and castles

Four thematic itineraries

The territory around Mantua often was a battle scene in the centuries when northern Italy was devastated by the many wars at that time. Always characterized by a fragile balance between earth and water, this territory became part of the fortified systems realized by different state authorities in the course of time according to the new defensive needs and to the always changing art of war.

Thanks to its particular geographical structure Mantua had a significant strategical-military value. As a connection between Venetia and Lombardy, the river Mincio was the scene of the most significant battles occurred in the northern Italy. The presence of many fortresses are a testimony to these facts. They were placed in the shape of a checkerboard and gave life to several defensive systems along the river, according to a drawing kept together by nature.
Manufactured goods, works and monuments are today silent symbols of the territory's military history and fundamental elements of the landscape, thanks to their quantity, quality and significance. These elements create a new tourist theme: "Fortresses, castles and towers: Mincio and war", consisting of four different itineraries.

Walls, towers, fortresses and castles of the upper Mincio
Walls, towers, fortresses and castles of the upper Mincio
Mincio and war - Itinerary n. 1
Departure: Monzambano
By bike 
By bike
Great interest: History 
Peschiera-Mantua, the Quadrilatero's western side
Peschiera-Mantua, the Quadrilatero's western side
Mincio and war - Itinerary n. 2
Departure: Peschiera
By bike 
By bike
Great interest: History 
Fortress Mantua: an itinerary between art and war
Fortress Mantua: an itinerary between art and war
Mincio and war - Itinerary n. 3
Departure: Piazza Porta Giulia, Mantova
On foot By bike 
By bike
Great interest: History 
Serraglio: territories between Mincio and Po
Serraglio: territories between Mincio and Po
Mincio and war - Itinerary n. 4
Departure: Piazza Porta Giulia, Mantova
By bike 
By bike
Great interest: History 

Itineraries realized within the system actions of the project "Terre del Mincio", Mincio Park leader authority, author Claudia Bonora Previdi.

Forti Torri Castelli

PDF Short guide: download
"Forti, torri e castelli. Il Mincio e la guerra. Itinerari turistici"
Book Series "Terre del Mincio", thematic itineraries.
Conception and publishing coordinator: Mincio Park. Author: Claudia Bonora Previdi.

Photos: Virgiliana National Accademy, Archive of the Mincio Park, Cty Library of Treviso, Teresiana city library in Mantua, Claudia Bonora Previdi, Gian Pietro Brogiolo - Lisa Cervigni - Giovanni Zandonella Maiucco, Collection of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio of Florence, Consorzio di Bonifica Territori del Mincio, Arco Mantova foundation, Alberto Pedroni - Exploring Academy, Pro Loco of Ponti sul Mincio - photo Ivan Fortunato, Wikimedia.

The use of the materials was previously authorized by each organization, which we really thank.
Thanks to: municipality of Mantua, Society for the Ducal Palace.


Useful information:
For further information: -
For guided hikes along the described itineraries (for groups): Mincio Park's didactic office 0376/228320 -

For visits to the fortresses: Forte Ardietti: +39 0376 88121 | Forte di Pietole: +39 0376 283037 | Forti di Borgoforte and Motteggiana: +39 0376 641411

For guided hikes to the river Museum and Bertazzolo hollow in Correggio Micheli and Governolo: +39 340 8806468

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